Monday, September 19, 2016

Reading At Home

Thank You!

I cannot thank everyone enough for joining me for Open House recently.  It was so nice to meet so many of you and to begin our journey working together to help your child succeed in fourth grade.

Reading Expectations

As discussed at Open House, there will be no reading log this year.  My goal is to create life-long readers and I do not feel that this is something that is encouraging our students to read.  Students are still expected to read at least 20 minutes every day.  I will make sure to help students find books that are engaging and that they want to read.  I hope that families can support me by helping their children find times at home to read.  I will also be monitoring student progress at school and will contact you if anything comes up in hopes that we can both support our readers together.  Please let me know if you have any questions!

Homework Expectations

We have been working on becoming more independent with homework.  In the classroom, we copy down our homework each morning.  The due dates will always be listed on the planner.  If you ever have any questions about homework please let me know.  I will continue to email when assignments are not turned in on time to help everyone stay in the loop.  Right now, students are still working on turning in their work on time.  Please encourage them to keep track of due dates.

Growth Mindset

At Open House I mentioned Growth Mindset.  If your child shuts down or frustrates easily after making a mistake or chooses the easier option then this could be the gentle push your child needs.  In a nutshell, research shows that there are two types of learners.  The first has a growth mindset and believes that with practice and determination, they can get better at anything.  The second learner believes that they are only born with certain talents or smarts and there is nothing they can do to change it.  Research also shows that learners with a growth mindset are more successful than those who aren't.  Below is a video that can help you to understand it further.

Upcoming Events

9/21    Ice Cream Social - 6:00 - 8:00
9/23    School picture day
9/28    ½ Day PD - dismissal 11:40

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