Monday, September 21, 2015

Growing Brain

I cannot thank everyone enough for joining me for Open House last week.  It was so nice to meet so many of you and to begin our journey working together to help your child succeed in fourth grade.

Growth Mindset

In my last blog I mentioned Growth Mindset.  If your child shuts down or frustrates easily after making a mistake or chooses the easier option then this could be the gentle push your child needs.  In a nutshell, research shows that there are two types of learners.  The first has a growth mindset and believes that with practice and determination, they can get better at anything.  The second learner believes that they are only born with certain talents or smarts and there is nothing they can do to change it.  Research also shows that learners with a growth mindset are more successful than those who aren't.  Here are two videos that can help you understand it further.  The first was shown at Open House and the second is a little longer but worth the time if you have it.

Other News

  • Please send a water bottle in with your child.  It will keep them in the classroom learning and not at the water fountain!
  • Students did great on their RAH last week and most read more than the required amount.  Thank you so much for helping them remember to get their RAH signed and for pushing them that extra mile!
  • MAH (Math at Home) was assigned for the first time this week and is due on Friday.  This week we are focusing on studying our multiplication facts.  We discussed different ways to study in school today, but let me know if you need some other ideas!

Upcoming Events

9/23 - Ice Cream Social 6-8 PM
9/25 - School Pictures

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