Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Keep The Momentum Going!

Vacation Reading Contest

With all of the snow days we have had and with vacation upon us it has been very difficult to maintain the momentum needed to keep kids learning and meet our winter goals in fourth grade.  One solution to this is to have a vacation reading contest!  Be on the lookout for details which will be sent home tomorrow in the Thursday folder.  Here are the basics:

Challenge #1: Group Challenge – the girls against the boys. For this challenge, you’ll need to record how much time you spend reading each day. The team that averages more time reading each day will win!

Challenge #2: This will be an individual challenge – who can read the most books? This challenge is simple! Read a chapter book and record it below. Please record the title and author.
There will be a sheet where students can write down their minutes and books.  Please have your child bring it back to school after vacation.
Students brought home new vocabulary words to study yesterday and will add a few more to this list by the end of the week.  They will have a quiz on Friday, February 27th.  This is what students should be studying for their MAH minutes right now.  Popular ways of studying include:
1. Using the flashcards made in class.
2. Having an adult give the student a word and the student writes down an example that proves they understand what the word means.
3. Studying in the car....they are a captive audience!
4. Having the student make their own test one night and take it the next night.
5. Having the student make their own memory game with the definition on one card and the word on another.
6. Have the student type the definitions on the computer each night.
Enjoy the week!


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