Where Did September Go?
Is it me or did September fly by? Perhaps it is because we have been very busy in fourth grade! Time does fly when you are having fun. We earned our second paw print reward this week and learned how to play continuous kick ball. It is a game that teaches teamwork. You can't be successful in the game without your entire team. I love doing different team work activities throughout the school year. I always teach my class that they are a team and while they won't all be best friends, they have to work as a team.
For the past couple of weeks students have been learning that good readers ask questions before they start reading a new book, while they read the book, and after they are finished reading. Asking questions helps us read with a wide awake mind, it helps us monitor our understanding, and it helps us think beyond the words on the page to the deeper meanings in the book. We are pushing for deeper questions that go beyond the text such as the ones below.
- What does the author want me to learn?
- Why did the character _____________?
- What does _____________ symbolize in the story?
- What lesson did the character learn?
These types of questions are not typically answered in the story and will cause students to have to use the clues in the text to help them come up with their own answers. It leads to great discussions and deeper thinking.
Want to Help at Home?
I will send home some questioning hand outs this week that you can use when reading with your child. What should you read? Anything! Even though your child is in fourth grade now, reading with them is still a wonderful way to support us here at school. We especially like reading picture books even at the fourth grade level because the short length allows for students to experience more plots, storylines, lessons, and themes. Read and talk to your child about their questions and their answers! Ask them what in the story made them think that. Enjoy!
Upcoming Dates
10/2 - Open House 6:30 - 8:00
10/8 - District Math Night 6:30 - 8:00
10/15 & 10/16 Parent Teacher Conferences